“I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education. ” –
Mahatma Gandhiji
Handwriting is a very important skill. It should develop among the kids from childhood. Now, the time has changed and the world has become more digitilized. Yet, good handwriting is more important in any field. For the kids, who are just going to enter the world of education. Handwriting does not mean just the use of paper and pencil. Handwriting needs multitasking. It is difficult to write for kids, give them proper guidance of parents and teachers.
If I have to define handwriting then, “ It is a beautiful art. “ We are here to help you to develop this art of handwriting. Don’t worry, just follow these ideas.
“Good handwriting is the reflection of good character”

1. Use of 3Ps for handwriting:
As you all can see in the picture above. This picture makes it more clear, What should be the first activity to do at home? The Answer is, to improve 3P. You may think, What are these 3Ps? 3Ps are :
- P: Posture
- Pencil Grip
- Paper and arm Position

Activities to develop 3Ps for better handwriting :
- Make sure that you give a lot of sitting practice to your child to improve the posture. Give him a demo, how to sit or show pictures of good sitting posture.
- Second P is the pencil grip. Teach him again and again to hold the pencil correctly. You can find many children who hold the pencil incorrectly. Show these to your kid. Holding a pencil correctly is the base of writing. So, give more and more practice before your child starts writing.
- Third is paper and arm position. Teach the child the correct way of keeping paper or notebook in combination with the correct arm position. These can develop through more practice.
In short, I can say that practice is the keyword to develop 3Ps.
2. Trace and track activity for good handwriting :
This is one of the common activities. It is commonly used to teach the formation of alphabets. Here are some examples for trace and track activity.

- Trace the simple lines activity
- Practice tracing standing lines , sleeping lines, slanting lines.
- Slowly tracing alphabets. Starting from the letter from a to z.
3. To use a printable sources for good handwriting:
To buy the cursive handwriting book to give more practice. Level-wise cursive writing books are available at the store. And also you can download from the internet and take out the prints. Use the printable materials available on the internet such as level-wise worksheets.
4. Correct formation & common problems :
Try to teach the correct formation of the letters. To teach formation there are many handwriting books available. You also can show the videos of formatting letters. Tunks of videos are there on kids’ YouTube. You can use that. Some are the common handwriting problems are :

- Proper spacing between the words , letters .
- Correct line alignment
- Size of letters
- Formation of letter
Try to give practice to your child about the formation of capital letters and small letters. Knowledge of where to apply capital letters. Guide them to use proper font sizes while writing. Explain to the child about space between two words and line alignments.
5. Use of correct tools for handwriting :
Use a four-lined notebook. Give letter formation practice. Provide your child with good stationery. Such as light-weighted pencils, bright-colored line notebooks, etc.
6. Make the handwriting practice fun:
Keep in mind that the kid is very small. He/she does not feel bored or over bored while doing all these activities. So to make learning fun you can offer them prizes such as a pencil box, colors or a drawing book. This encourages the child.
Do not give her just simple letters, words, or sentences to copy. Give her some puzzles related to it. Tell her to solve and write. This purposeful activity gives her fun writing practice.
7. To write the out box :
You can arrange an English calligraphy competition. So that a child gets a chance to showcase the skill, can feel motivated.
You can give some creative paragraphs about yourself, your school, your hobby, and many more. The only condition is that a kid has to display creative writing skills and display his English calligraphy skill. both help him to think out of the box. Moreover, he enjoys the activity.
You can show some flashcards or pictures and instruct to write a paragraph or five sentences on it. That promotes good handwriting.
A dictation test or dictation is the best practice to improve handwriting.
8. Daily practice for perfrct handwriting:
Practice makes man perfect.
Likewise, you also make sure that your kid gets daily handwriting practice. Encourage the kid to write a paragraph or a page daily. For that, you can appreciate the child by the words or giving a prize to encourage him. According to age, you can give them practice.
- For the foundational age you can practice letter and alphabet writing followed by words and sentences.
- For the preparatory age you can give the practice of sentences filled by paragraph writing to creative writing.
All the ideas above mentioned hopefully work for you and your kid. It helps your kids to get better handwriting. It even helps to develop fine motor skills and cognitive skills among students.
t develops creative and critical thinking in the kids. Good writing helps the students to be confident and smart.
So, try out these ideas and get a better result “good handwriting”.
My Name is Dharmendra Kumar Khoth