Worrying about how to make homework or classwork assignments easy for your kids? Now, do not have to worry. Here I share many online activities to make your kids’ assignments work easy. Now no boredom, only fun. These activities definitely make your kids happy.
Further, I provide some interesting tips to make homework assignments fun. And also some alternatives to traditional pen-paper homework and classwork assignments. The kid definitely loves them and enjoys doing assignments.
COVID-19 pandemic disturbs the study and regular life of everyone. During the pandemic, everyone should have to stay home. Due to these circumstances, a child may have to take online classes. A kid enjoys the physical classroom environment more than online (virtual assignment). It is our teachers’ or parents’ duty to make the classroom learning interesting.
Here I provide you the link on how you can make online teaching interesting. Click on it. It helps you to make your online classroom teaching easy.
Here are some fun activities to make your kid’s online assignment interesting.
1. Art and craft for homework assignments:
Art and craft attract the child most. Colouring, cutting, pasting, coloring paper, etc give ultimate happiness to the child. So, the kid’s assignments based on art craft are really very best. Not only do they learn but enjoy doing homework or classwork assignments.
Here are some activities which you can give your students as assignments. They will definitely enjoy these.
a. Scrapbook idea for homework assignments:
Instruct the child to purchase a scrapbook. The scrapbook itself is very colorful. So Child loves and enjoys doing work in the scrapbook.
- You can tell them to paste something like different fallen leaves from the garden. Create any model such as a rat, Ganpati etc
- Collage making using newspaper.
- Pasting animals , birds stickers.
The child loves these kinds of assignments and enjoys them too.
b. Poster making & coloring for homework assignments:
Poster Making again is a very old activity. But at the same time, it is innovative too. Childs love different colors. They love to draw and then color them. So you can give them assignments like A
- draw your dream school
- your favourite flowers
- garden scene or any topic
- Save trees
- save water
And instruct them to color them also. Give them a particular name. So it makes the activity more interesting. Now, here you can assign the task as homework to describe that picture in your words.
c.Birdhouse or Bird bathe making : ( Model making):
Any model-making activity is very innovative and interesting. For example, you can instruct the child to make a birdhouse or bird bathe. And keep that in your backyard. Then tell them to observe different birds coming there. And Write five lines on your favorite. It is very unique and at the same time a very fun assignment activity.
d. Hand Puppet for homework assignments:
As I said the child loves colors, papers, cutting, and pasting. They love this assignment also. Instruct them to make different kinds of finger puppets. Prepare two lines about each of the puppet fingers. If they make puppets of animals. Then the child tries to describe it. These types of assignments help the child learn. At the same time, they enjoy it too.
e.Mask making for homework assignments :
It is also performed the way you understand puppet making. And we all know children love to wear masks. so they definitely enjoy this activity.
All the activities are easily performed virtually (online) also.
2.Outdoor activities for home assignments:
Kids love and enjoy outdoor activities the most. You can instruct the child
- to visit the zoo, nearby garden, or tourist place. And write a report on it.
- field trip
- Observe plants and trees around . And write or draw any 5 tress and plants.
- Write about your favourte game.
We also enjoy sitting outside and enjoying the climate and fresh air. So the same way a child also loves and enjoys. You can tell the child to sit outside the house. Observe the surrounding. Write 5 things the child likes the most and does not like at all. This assignment explores child creativity and critical thinking.
3. Playing Games activities for home assignments :
Children love to play the games the most. Give them some assignments once a week where they just have to do homework assignments while playing games.
Such as instructing them to play their favorite sports. And prepare an observation on it.

Other various assignments are :
- Paste the picture of your favourite sports person.
- Collage making.
- Playing the game the same way your favourite sport man play.
- Debate on the Importance of play.
4. Physical homework assignment activities:
Physical activities are also part of the curriculum framework. Assignment based on Physical activity can boost a child’s energy and confidence. Children enjoy doing these types of assignments. You can give them activities like,
- Jumping / Rope skipping : Jump and count. Now count and write numbers up to 100. Recite poems related to jumping while jumping.
- Playing with ball: Write the games which play with balls. Write outdoor and indoor games while playing with a ball. Ball has round shapes. Write about other things like ball.
- Balancing things: Assignments related to Grams and kilograms . Draw different kinds of weighing machines. Draw or paste measuring units.
- Running: Can give an assignment of meter and kilometer. Assignment such as :

Given the above physical activities, you can give homework assignments related to maths.
5. Social work homework assignments:
- You all read it very correctly , social work is a homework assignment. It not only helps society but children to learn some social skills. Give some social activity as homework. And instruct them to write a report or their experience on it.
For example:
- Plant trees around.
- Collect litter lying on the road and surrounding area .
- Visit an old age house and work for them at least for one day.
- Campaign on “ save trees” or “Save water” Many more.
Such types of homework assignments definitely help the kids to grow socially skilled and they enjoy it too.
6.Cook and eat homework assignment
Kids love to eat and do experiments. Give them assignments of cooking a dish from the recipe book. These kinds of homework assignments develop the creativity of the child. You can tell them :
- To draw different utensils and colour them.
- List vegetables that can be eaten raw or cooked.
- List out spices used for your dish.
Children surely enjoy these kinds of homework assignments. They do not feel bored while doing homework assignments. And again I say these are all activities you can perform both online and offline mode.
Above mentioned activities heil you develop your kids’ interest in doing homework assignments as well classwork assignments.
Now, Let’s discuss some alternatives to homework assignments. These are also assignments but involve more hands-on activity. Sometimes these kinds of activities boost up the child. As teachers or parents, we need a break. Likewise, children also need a break. These kinds of alternative activities provide the happiness of doing work to the child.
Let’s see what are these alternatives homework assignments :
1.Reading assignments:
All the time it is not necessary you give a written assignment. For a change, you can give them a homework assignment to read what he/she loves to read and enjoy. A child definitely enthusiastically does these. These kinds of homework alternatives give fun to the child.
2.Break and play:
We all need a break. As we all get bored quickly from one type of work. In the same way, children also get bored from stereotyped homework assignments. So give them assignments to enjoy nature and play outside and enjoy themselves. The next day tells them to share their experiences.
3. Play video games :
Children love to play video games. Give them assignments and play educational games. There are so many educational games available. Under your guidance, you can give some assignments in the form of video games. Click to play video games. You can find a list of games and apps for your kid.
4.Debate as assignments:
You can arrange debates on various topics. Which is also a very fun activity as a homework assignment. It is yet very effective too.
5. Watch favourite cartoon character:
Children love to watch cartoons. So you can effectively use these as homework assignments. Tell them to draw and color their favorite cartoon character, Write about their favorite cartoon hero, and many more.
6. Video making &nAudio recorder activity homework assignments.
This very innovative and interesting homework assignment for the child. Instruct the child to make a video on any one-act play, recite the poem with action, narrate a story with action. Then, Home tour video where they have to show different parts of houses. You can assign so many homework assignments under these activities.
These alternatives definitely serve the purpose of making the assignment work more fun for kids.
Lastly, I share some tips for teachers as well as parents that make homework assignments fun for kids.
Tips to make the homework assignments fun :
- Appreciate the child’s work.
- Try to give him positive feedback for his/her assignments. Such as very good, Good but can do better, give stickers like smiley , ice cream etc.
- Give the child rewards/ incentive for his/her work.
- Child loves company. Doing work with a friend. Give assignments such that he has a chance to choose a partner. With the friend he enjoys doing the homework.
- Sometimes give them free colourful printable worksheets . So children do not get bored and enjoy doing homework assignments.
- Provide them with some free online learning apps and give homework assignments related to it.
- Give them specific time to complete the assignments.
- Fix time to submit the homework.
- Always ready to give help to the child.
Conclusion :
I assure you that all assignments activities help you and your kids to do homework happily without getting bored. So, say bye, bye to boredom and welcome these fun-loving activities. You can use these all activities on online (Virtual)mode as well offline mode.
Additionally, I share some alternative activities that also make your child attracted to doing assignments. And Lastly, I share some tips for making homework assignments more fun. Try all these activities and tips. That will definitely help your kids. And enjoys doing Home assignments.
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