“Build your skills, not your resume.”
How to develop social skills in the kids?- Social skills are very important. How to develop social skills in the kids ? is the big problem at this time. Social skills can not teach yet, through the hands-on experiences of day-to-day life social skills can develop among the children. Moreover, One can learn how to develop social skills among kids, it can develop from the surrounding, the place where they live, the people with whom they live, from the school, friends, and neighborhood. In short, we can say that it is one type of experiential learning. A part of experiential learning I provide you all some best useful activities for your kids to develop social skills. Certainly, You find the best solution here in this post
“Social skills development is a life long process and is a crucial part of our success”
In today’s scenario where, everyone should have to maintain social distancing, staying home, to avoid gathering and meetings, children are not able to come to school since last one and half year. In such a situation it is the prime duty of teachers as well as parents to maintain our roots and try to develop social skills among students. Further, Social skills help the child to build a good character.
“To be a educated is not most important but to be a good human being with good social skills are very essential. “
Here I show you some try and tested social skills development activities.
Children should assign some task or activity at home to develop social skills For example:
- To arrange shoes
- To pack the school bags daily
- Collecting plates after lunch or dinner with the help of siblings.
- To pack lunch or dinner before coming to school
- Assign some household work with sibling

Parents can make some rules at home, can follow by everyone at home. Encourage the child to follow the same. Rules such as:
- Wishing good morning or namaste in the morning to everyone.
- Good night before going to bed.
- Keeping toys or things spread at the right place after playing or using.
- Hand washes after or before eating.
- And of course , following social skills develop among children from the above activities.

Teaching basics greetings such as:
- Thank you
- Hello
- How are you?
- Good morning/ good after noon / Good evening
- Congratulations
- Sorry

(Source: https://www.eslbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Basic-Greetings-in-English.jpg )

Activities– to devaelop social skills.
- Greeting with responses charts may show to the children as shown in the above picture .
2. Poem on greeting:
Good Morning mam, How are you? We, little children, welcome you.
Such type of small poem at the beginning of the class help to develop greeting skills among children. There are several poems and videos are available on the internet. You can use that poems and videos.
3. To Teach what is good behavior or bad behavior? It can inculcate by giving examples from day-to-day life experiences. Ask them what to do or not. Arrange role play on the topic of good behavior and bad behavior. So that child can understand very well.

Arranging such situational-based role-play teachers can teach the social skills and What is good behavior and what not to do? to the children. That can surely implement by parents at home also.
4. Besides these, the teacher also can provide a checklist activity Where the child has to write What do or what not to do?
What to do? | What not to do? |
5. The teacher can show social manner stories in the form of Flashcards, videos, or value-based pictures stories. Value-based Stories on the topic- Respect elder. Brotherhood, sharing is caring, etc.
6. Arrange community lunch. Through this activity, one can understand – sharing and caring – Students can share food. Cultural diversity, Unity, and many more social skills can develop through this activity.
Instructions for the activity:
- Students have to bring the famous or traditional food of his/ her state.
- Wear the traditional costume of the state.
- Must have to bring food for the friends, share with them
Activities for the Self-control to develop social skills :
On the contrary, It is the most important aspect that to control oneself. Nowadays we find this problem or lack of these skills among the kids, young children and adult. There are so many reasons because of which one can face the problem of self-control. Here are some activities by which you can improve these skills among the children.
Indeed, these activities help you all to develop self-control among your child.
1. Meditation during class or at home.
- Make a habit that your ward can practice yoga or meditation daily at home. The teacher can make the habit that before starting the class the student chanting the OM with a close eye and does meditation at least for five minutes. These surely help the child to develop these social skills.
2.Freeze Activity:
Fun activities are the best way to teach anything to kids. Freeze activity is one of the joyful activities where children enjoy the game and indirectly learn the social skills of self-control. It can be online (virtual) or offline.
How to play this game?
A teacher plays the music and instructs the children to dance or jump or run anything. Then she stops the music and says freeze students have to freeze in the last action they did and do not move till say release. This way the children enjoy and learn.
3. Up and sit down:
This is one of the common yet very effective activities to develop self-control. Follow the instruction and children have to act accordingly. If the teacher yells,” stand up” then students have to stand or yell “sit down “than have to sit. The teacher repeats the same procedure which makes the activity joyful. T
4. Green-Yellow-Red (Stoplight) Activity:
Through this activity, social skills and self-control can teach easily. It can integrate with other subjects also such as EVS, English, Math, and Art.
How to play this game?

Patience: Social skill attributes:
- While losing any game a coach or teacher has to give them good guidance and be an emotional support system.
- Show them some reality shows, cricket, or other sports or movies. Tell them to observe the attitude adopted by the person. Students can learn sportsmanship through these activity,
- If loose, teach children to move with grace.
- Teach them to congratulate each other after the game is over.
All these activities can help to make the child a good sportsman and a good responsible citizen of the country.
Hygiene: Base of Social skills
There is a true saying “In healthy body lives, Healthy mind. “
A healthy hygiene habit stays lifelong in the child if it can inculcate them at a very young age.
How do you inculcate healthy hygiene?
- Be a role model as the child observe and learn. Social habits can inculcate very well by observing or hands-on practice.
- Develop the following good hygiene habits among your child on daily basis.

Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fnicollelowrey%2Fbasic-hygiene-for-children%2F&psig=AOvVaw26vKNTU89zr2X3inUjZzZV&ust=1625995069411000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjRxqFwoTCNjVtumV2PECFQAAAAAdAAAAABAc
3. Can show or recite poems related to hygiene. Such as :
Brush brush, brush your teeth.
Father, Mother, Brother, Sister brush it every day.
Followed by Wash your face, comb your hair add so many health hygiene activities, and recite the poem.
4. Nowadays it is important to develop the habit of hand wash you can display the correct sequence of hand wash.

Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.trainingexpress.org.uk%2Fbasic-personal-hygiene-habits-to-practice-in-daily-life%2F&psig=AOvVaw26vKNTU89zr2X3inUjZzZV&ust=1625995069411000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjhxqFwoTCNjVtumV2PECFQAAAAAdAAAAABA1
5. Can arrange poster-making competition or creative writing competition on the topic “Importance of healthy hygiene”.
E classroom behavior:
This is the most important skill in today’s scenario. All must develop these among all the students. You can follow the following ways to inculcate classroom skills among your children.
- Be in the School uniform during the Class time.
- Students should sit in a noise-free and good lit room.
- Attend classes daily.
- The camera should be on and the microphone should be off. Turn on the microphone if required, It should do with the permission of the teacher.
- Have your notebook, textbook, pen. Pencils etc. with you.
- Don’t move here or there during class.
- Don’t eat or drink while class is going.
Due to covid-19 classroom become e-classroom. Where students learn virtually. Here I provide you the link of ways and ideas for e-learning, Click on that link you will get many e-learning activities and ideas there.
To inculcate above all habits among children what should the teacher do?:
- Arrange parents’ teacher’s meeting and explain all these rules to them so that they can take care of all these things and guide the child accordingly.
- During class, the teacher motivates the students to follow all these rules.
- Encourage them to wear a uniform daily.
- Appreciate the children for their regularity and good deeds.
The topic of social skills is very vast and it never can end as we develop the social skills from our daily life. Here I am trying to give you some activities to inculcate good social skills among your children with fun and hands-on integrated activities. I hope that these activities help you to make your child a better-skilled individual.
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