What is e-learning?
What is e-learning? – Almost all the readers who come over here to read, have these questions in the corner of their minds. The pandemic forces us to be techno-friendly. E-learning is a demand of the time. E-learning is new for many of us. In a physical classroom, it is not possible to use effectively.
Let’s understand What is e-learning? E-learning is a normal learning system. Earlier we have the physical classroom. But now instead of the physical classroom- we have e – the classroom. Which is conducted through an electronic gazette and application. That devices connect us with learning.
Briefly, It is a formalized teaching-learning process with the help of electronic devices and networks. The devices that are essential to conducting e-learning are :
Here, You can find the basic electronics device you need.
Computer | Laptop | Mobile |
I pad | Tablet |
Now, you get a little idea about what is e-learning?
Let’s discuss what you need to make e-learning easy and available for your kids. Here we discuss in details step-by-step setup and sources.

Best e learning app and website :
So many websites and apps are available. You can simply go to the play store and download that app. They are very effective and useful. Moreover, These are user-friendly apps.
Below I provide you the apps that you can download. You can easily register yourself there. They are good to use.
- Diksha portal : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.gov.diksha.app
- Google meet:https://meet.google.com/
- Google classroom
- Kahoot.com : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.mobitroll.kahoot.android
- Quizz:Play to learn :
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quizizz_mobile
Here down below I provide you more app links. Surely your kid will enjoy this too.
- Jolly phonics Lessons:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gilbertjolly.teachphonics.teachers
- Drops Language Learning by kahoot : learn by game :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.languagedrops.drops.international
- Nearpod :https://nearpod.com/
- Web seesaw : https://web.seesaw.me/
- Math kids-add , subtract , count and learn :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rvappstudios.math.kids.counting
- You can use Kids Youtube. Where you find a number of rhymes, poems , stories , math tricks and many more.
You can use the applications or websites mentioned above. Undoubtedly, it helps your child to learn something. It makes your kid’s virtual learning interesting.
Now, you all understand the use of e-learning platforms. These apps and websites further help you to make your kid’s journey of e-learning enjoyable.
Let’s discuss the Importance of e-learning. And the pros and cons of e-learning.
Importance of e-learning :
As time passes we see changes in the world. Nowadays, the world becoming a techno hub. You all witnessed the same things hopefully. Every single thing is available on digital platforms. Whether it’s clothes, groceries, electronic items. In short, little needles to large things are available online.
Now, this pandemic forces us to learn online.
We all know and believe that physical classroom teaching is a better way. But we do not have to forget that the tools and apps, using for e-learning, make learning easier.
- Interesting
- Effective
- Enjoyable
- Easy to understand
- And most importantly everlasting
Nowadays e-learning is the best means of getting an education. Let’s first discuss the advantages of e-learning. Let’s first discuss the positive sides of e-learning.
Advantages of e-learning :
1. Flexible and convenient:
- students learn from the home space or location. Child chooses the place of the choice for e-learning. The chice place makes him comforatble for e-learning.
2. Self-controlled:
The child can control the device or app he/she uses. This is an advantage for the child.
3. Regularity of students:
E-learning has a variety of teaching methods. Teachers can experiment many things on virtual mode. Teachers can use YouTube videos, images available on google, research documents available, PPT, and many more. Which makes the classroom more effective and interesting. That encourages the child to get learn.
4. learning style :
Due to COVID-19 education becomes digital. The teacher has to adopt these changes. Which is a very positive benefit of online teaching. Every student is different in his/or own way of learning. Some enjoy learning alone. Or others in the group. Some are visual learners, some are audio learners. This digitalization serves everyone’s needs.
Teachers can use sources as per the requirement. As per the needs of the child. Because now it can easily available. And everyone becomes pro to technology.
- Teachers can use audio-video available on Youtube. Whic are in the form of story and poems.
- Use applications available on the net.
- Use PPT
- Can use google classroom -for submission of homework . Teachers can use it for checking work.
5. Easy to use:
Once you train yourself and be user-friendly, these tools and applications are easy to use for parents, teachers, and most importantly kids.
6. Time saver:
A child is learning from home so they do not have to get up early and come to school till it ends. So it saves the maximum time for the kid.
7. Low costing:
As It is online teaching, no need to buy any textbooks. Many apps are available on the internet. No need to buy other utility items such as bags, lunch boxes. Water bottle etc. They do not have to for transport as they are at home. So it saves so much money for the parents.
8. Personalized learning:
A kid has the freedom to choose his own space to sit and learn. Additionally, he has many options and apps to learn. A child can choose according to ease.
Now, Let’s discuss the disadvantages of e-learning:
1.Social barrier:
- Students learn from home so there is a lack of developing many social skills among them. Social skills are not taught but they can learn from hands on experiences. In the e-learning process, there is less chance of developing social skills.
But here is the link to my article which can provide you some ways to inculcate social skills at home.
2. Lack of interaction:
Online teaching takes place in the comfortable space of a kid. So that there is a lack of interaction between children to children, with the teacher to children.
3. No group activity:
Online teaching is one of the best examples of personalized learning. It is difficult to assign group activities to the kids
4. No hands-on activity:
In the physical classroom, a child can perform many hands-on activities but here it is very difficult to do.
7.Skilled teachers:
There is no supervision of the kids due to which promotes malpractice among the child. Especially cheating in the exam or copying from other sources. Discipline is the major issue during e-learning.
6. Technology as a barrier:
Internet connectivity is required for e-learning. And we all know that internet connection is not available at every place. Sometimes parents are uneducated so that they are not comfortable with this.
So, technology here plays the negative role
The pandemic covid-19 affected the whole world. Due to which online learning takes a major role. Most of the teachers are not technology-friendly. They do not train also. They feel hesitant and under pressure while using e-platforms. So it affects the e-learning process.
8. Technical issue:
Last but not least as teachers and students both have to use mobile or laptop(any e device) for more than 2 hours. Which weaker the eyesight and the overall health of the kid and teacher as well.
At this point, I think you all understand that what is e-learning?
What is the importance of e-learning? Additionally, the cons and pros of e-learning give you a clear picture of e-learning.
Keeping in mind the whole concept of e-learning I share some useful ways to make e-learning effective.
Please click on the link and you find the list of the best useful ideas for virtual learning. Here I provide more activity for your kids.
I try to cover most of the aspects of e-learning. I am sure that this will certainly help you to understand what e-learning is? You get ideas for e-learning activities. You can easily use them for your kid.
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